Friday, May 15, 2020

Subconscious Health Reframe

90% of our mental operating system stems from our subconscious, which is a product of all the experiences of our past.  Our family of origin, parents, relationships, careers, self image all "live" here.
If you are experiencing any feelings of depression, fear, anxiety, relationship distress, or just feel the need for grounding and affirmation,  Hypnotherapy is very effective via virtual meetings.  We can still see each other face to face originally, address your confidential and personal wonderings, and reframe any uncertainties/blocks to create a more positive and affirming spirit.
My usual 4-session requirement is waived during this time, and I am here for you at any time, via facetime or zoom...Your peace is my goal.  Blessings to All!  Love, Barbra



These are challenging times indeed.  It is normal to feel anxious when isolated, especially when it is not our choice, and there is so much uncertainty surrounding the duration and intensity and future. It is an important time to remember self care; whether that means prayer or meditation, getting outdoors to see people safely, or reaching out to someone in need.  The healing and grounding and aligning capability of essential oils can be diffused or inhaled from a drop on your hands. They can aid emotional, respiratory and immune support.

If you would like help in knowing what essential oils might help your specific needs, please feel free to contact me for a free consultation.  I would be honored to help.
Be well!!

·        Produced by plants to protect from bacteria and fungus, insect attack, and decay.

·        Extracted from various parts of natural plant material (flowers, leaves, seeds, bark, wood, etc…) by steam distillation or cold pressing.

·        When you smell a rose blossom or lemon rind or fresh rosemary, you are smelling pure essential oil!

It is important to use good quality essential oils (the blends I make for my clients all come from pure organic essential oils from all over the world, all of which come with a chemical testing report as to their purity and efficacy.

I am here for you!