Thursday, December 28, 2023

Happy New You!

When my daughter was little, she used to say, "Happy New You" for "Happy New Year"... I like it.  The metamorphosis from one year to the next is a time of looking back with curiosity and discernment for what served us, and what we are ready to release.  I would be honored to come alongside you in embracing the happiest, healthiest affirmations and manifestations for the new year.  

Our conscious mind is not able to overpower our subconscious 90% of why we do what we do...and in the deeply relaxing state of hypnosis, slowing down the brainwaves, we are able to reframe our automatic behaviors, easily and automatically, to our highest and most joyful benefit, with long lasting results.

I love what I do!  And would be excited to join you on your way...


Tuesday, August 15, 2023


I have been doing a deep guided meditation, combined with singing bowls that each resonate with each chakra, keyboard with strings and other instruments.  It is an amazing experience of vibrational sounds that effect our body, mind and spirit.   Every time is different...and every time is amazing!  People love it and receive serendipitous rewarding! (The last picture shows an actual image of sound waves...when you think of our bodies as being mostly water (including the brain), you can imagine how vibrational sounds at a much higher hertz that we usually experience can influence us on a deep cellular level!